
I do not find it easy to tell you about myself.

By this age in life there has been a considerable amount of water that has flowed under the bridge; some of it beautifully calm and serene – where I would enjoy returning; while some of it has been fairly ugly – not where I want to return, tho admittedly the strength that I have gained in staying afloat on such waters has and is worth all the struggle.  I have been told that I am a renaissance woman (had to look up the meaning).  I do own being a survivor, and yes that means of some unpleasant things in this life but to me it also means pulling up my ‘big girl panties’ – as I call it – and gettin’er done!  No matter what it is that needs getting done. Currently that includes finding my way in a new season that has held a seemingly abundant harvest of lemons.  But what foodie, when given a bunch of lemons, would not set about to make something deliciously wonderful?!

Writing, and particularly writing about some of my fondest memories, seems to be the sugar that is sweetening the lemon juice.  Later I will address my particular journey in life as I find that we each have our particular journey for the purpose of learning so that we may come alongside others we find on similar paths.

I have always found enjoyment in serving.  In my children’s classrooms while they were in public school, in 4-H, in my church;  now with Women’s Bible Studies, the Christian Motorcyclist’s Association and in a Victims of Domestic Abuse NPO.

I enjoy reading, gardening, loving on my animals, watching sunrises and sunsets, fishing, and traveling.  I am working on building my catering business.  Since I was a little girl I have loved cooking and trying new things.  My mom was a great inspiration and encouragement to me as she would patiently be my right hand clean-up crew.  Did I mention that I love watching the sky?

I learned to ride motorcycle off-road as a young girl while trying to stay up with my brothers and dad and began riding street 4 years ago…..riding has proven to be a wonderful form of sanity saving therapy.

The two greatest joys in my life are my relationship with my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ and my two children.

My blog is sharing all that rattles around in my head.  It is simply my journey that I have chosen to share with whomever may be interested in reading it.  It will hold many food posts, it will hold many things that delight my heart and there will be times when it will hold that which disturbs or breaks my heart.

1 Response to About

  1. Sheila says:

    Hi Sheryl — in trying to present you with an award, I’ve finally stumbled upon your About Me page, which I think is evocative of a brave and strong writer and thinker. Thank you for sharing your story. I came here to say that I’ve nominated you for the Wonderful Team Membership award. If you choose to accept it, please check out the award and guidelines for passing it on here: http://springforever.wordpress.com/2012/10/01/thank-yous/
